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Stormwater Management Submittal Process

Stormwater Management includes the infrastructure which provides water quality treatment, retention, and/or detention for a project meeting the requirements of the Rogue Valley Stormwater Quality Design Manual (RVSQDM). 

The minimum construction thresholds in which Stormwater Management is required for a development or construction activity can be found on the Stormwater Management & Erosion Control page. Detailed design standards can be found in the RVSQDM.

Note: Plan submittal, review, and approval of projects that include Sewer Main, Stormwater Management, and Erosion Control, or a combination thereof, will be combined if required on a common project, i.e. all plans, calculations, documents, etc… must be submitted together and will be approved for construction at the same time.

Stormwater Management Plan Submittal, Construction, and Acceptance Process

Step 1. Stormwater Management Design and Submittal

Projects requiring Stormwater Management must be reviewed and authorized by RVSS prior to construction. Stormwater management plans must include all of the following documents:

  • Construction Plans including all applicable Standard Drawings (See Chapter 6 of the (RVSQDM)
  • Calculation Package (See Chapter 6 of the RVSQDM)
  • Operations and Maintenance Manual (O&M Manual) which includes a recorded Declaration and Covenants (DoC) document. See Chapter 5 of the RVSQDM.

Rogue Valley Stormwater Quality Design Manual

Stormwater Management plans must be complete and submitted to RVSS in electronic format to the Stormwater Program Coordinator, Benjamin Poaster at Pre-design questions and/or meetings are welcome.

Step 2. Plan Review

A standard plan review and submittal process will be implemented until all RVSS comments have been addressed and the plans, calculations, and O&M manual meet the RVSQDM and RVSS standards. 

Step 3. Plan Approval, Project Fees, and Administrative Process 

A Plan Approval Letter will be issued along with the Project Agreement and Project Invoice. The Plan approval letter will outline all additional submittal requirements prior to the issuance of construction authorization. 

Permit & Development Fees

Step 4. Construction Authorization 

Once all conditions of the Plan Approval Letter are complete, a Construction Authorization Letter will be issued notifying the development team that the project is approved for construction. 

It is the responsibility of the developer/applicant to send the Construction Authorization Letter to the appropriate agencies as notification that the project has been approved for construction by RVSS.

Step 5. Construction, Inspection, and Project Acceptance 

Conditions of the signed Project Agreement must be complied with during and after construction. Once all requirements of the project agreement have been met, a project Acceptance Letter will be issued. It is the responsibility of the developer/applicant to send the Project Acceptance Letter to the appropriate agencies as notification that all RVSS requirements have been met.