Stormwater Quality Design Manual
The Rogue Valley Stormwater Quality Design Manual (RVSWDM) applies to the cities of Ashland, Central Point, Medford, Phoenix, Talent and urbanized unincorporated Jackson County. Projects that will develop or redevelop more than 5,000 square feet of impervious surfaces (buildings, roads, parking lots, etc.) on a site must manage stormwater runoff in compliance with the Rogue Valley Stormwater Quality Design Manual (RVSWDM) found below.
RVSS Stormwater Quality Incentive Policy
Stormwater Plan Submittal Requirements
Rebuilding After Fire:
Within the Almeda fire destroyed area, RVSS will follow the lead of the county and cities with regard to stormwater management requirements. For projects that the county/city require site plan review, RVSS will require submittal of a stormwater management plan in compliance with the current (at time of submittal) Rogue Valley Stormwater Quality Design Manual. If no site plan review is required by the city/county, RVSS will not require stormwater management.
An Erosion prevention and sediment control permit (1200-C/CN) will still be required for all projects disturbing over one acre. Application materials should be submitted directly to RVSS.
Design Manual
Rogue Valley Stormwater Quality Design Manual, Revised July, 2024
RVSQDM Adopted Changes, 29 January, 2025