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Permit & Development Fees

Summary of Development Fees (Effective July 1, 2022)

Summary of SDC's, Permit Fees, and Rates (Effective July 1, 2024)

Note: Permits must be obtained from RVSS before working on any sewer pipe outside of a building.
RVSS will only receive permit payments by credit/debit card at the RVSS office.

Commercial & Industrial Sewer SDC fees must be calculated from architectural drawings. Fee estimates are available upon request and submittal of architectural drawings.


When are SDC’s Collected by RVSS?


Type of Activity

At RVSS Sewer Permit Issuance

*Prior to Sewer Main Construction

**Upon RVSS Notification

RVSS Sewer Permit(s) for New Construction




RVSS Sewer Tap Permit(s) for New Construction Within the City Of Medford




Sewer Main Construction within the City of Medford for Single-Family or Multi-Family Construction




Building or other Improvements Requiring SDC’s in Which RVSS Does Not Issue a Sewer Permit. 




Change of Use Requiring SDC’s in which RVSS Does Not Issue a Sewer Permit.




*In the City of Medford, SDC’s are collected prior to sewer main construction for residential developments as RVSS does not issue sewer connection permits within the City of Medford.

**RVSS is notified by each City or County building/planning department of all new construction and will notify applicants if sewer system SDC’s are due.