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Stormwater Program

Welcome to Rogue Valley Sewer Services Stormwater Management site

Rogue Valley Sewer Services manages Stormwater quality for the cities of Phoenix, Talent, and urbanized, unincorporated Jackson County. This link will take you to a map showing the boundaries of our Stormwater management area. Developers and engineers can find information on obtaining erosion and sediment control permits and Stormwater Management Plan approvals in the Stormwater Development pages. Within the Stormwater Management pages is information on how you can help improve the quality of Stormwater runoff whether you are a resident, business owner, construction contractor or educator. If you can't find the answer to your question on our website, contact our District Engineer, Nicholas Bakke at or 541-664-6300.

Stream Smart

     A comprehensive resource for information and tips on what you can do to help protect and improve water quality in our streams.




Low Impact Development MapLow Impact Development Map: Map and photos of Stormwater Management Features that allow runoff to filter through vegetation and soil or soak into the ground removing pollutants before the water reaches our streams and rivers. (To return to the RVSS website, click the RVSS logo on the map page.)