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Sewer Service

RVSS provides sanitary sewer service for residential and commercial customers within our service area, which includes Central Point, Eagle Point*, Gold Hill, Jacksonville, Phoenix, Shady Cove*, Talent, White City, and some portions of Medford and the unincorporated areas.

*Customers are billed for sewer service by these cities.

Click here to be redirected to the page with sewer billing information.

RVSS billing questions or change of service (541) 779-4144 or (541) 664-6300

Eagle Point billed customers (541) 826-4212

Shady Cove billed customers (541) 541-2225

Local Improvement Districts

Failing septic systems cause health concerns.   If you are having problems with your septic system, call RVSS at (541) 664-6300 so we can determine if we can help. Although several land use laws limit this considerably, it may still be possible to extend RVSS sewer lines into your area.  Providing such service helps to reduce health hazards and improve the overall water quality of the valley, and connecting to the RVSS system has done much to make this valley a better place to live.

Local improvement districts (LIDs) are formed when property owners request sanitary sewer be extended to their area.  After providing a good estimate, owners of property within the LID have two opportunities to vote against the extension.  If fewer than half of the owners vote it down, the sewer will be designed and constructed.

All costs must be paid by the property owners benefiting from the sewer line extension.  RVSS will meet with property owners to help them decide if they can afford the construction costs. Financing may be available, and in some hardship instances RVSS can defer payments.  Please call (541) 664-6300 for more information.

Private Projects

RVSS requires the submittal of plans designed by licensed engineers for sanitary sewer construction in new subdivisions or for buildings within city limits RVSS serves.  There are charges for plan review and per-foot inspection costs for gravity and pressure sewer lines.  In addition a contract must be signed by the developer, and a pre-construction meeting is required.

Click here for information on our Stormwater program.

Links to garbage or recycling service:

Rogue Disposal (541) 779-4161
Recology Ashland (541) 482-1471
Southern Oregon Sanitation (541) 826-5691